What are parallel software patterns?
- A parallel software pattern is a generalizable solution to a class of recurring problems that occurs in the design of parallel software.
- Attach names to well-analyzed solutions that encapsulate the way an expert in the field solves problems.
What are the three goals the software patterns aim to achieve?
- Define a set of vocabularies to communicate
- Present a set of expert techniques for beginners to learn
- Allows experts to more quickly design complex systems
What is a software architecture?
A software architecture is a hierarchical composition of
- Computational patterns - the atoms
- Structure patterns - the molecular bonds
How is it important for writing fast code?
What are the five categories of patterns in OPL?
What are the nine sections in an OPL pattern?
- Pipe-and-Filter
- Agent-and-Repository
- Event-based
- Layered systems
- Model-view-controller
- Arbitrary Task Graphs
- Puppeteer
- Iterator/BSP
- MapReduce